10K (1/2 Road & 1/2 Trail) Run - 7:00am Please note, we have a strict course time limit for the 10K. All participants must be able to complete the 10K in 75 minutes (that is a 12 minute per mile pace). If you do not reach the University Park Entrance (heading back to the South Quad after the trail loop) in 54 minutes, you will be transported to where the 5K joins in at Channel Islands Dr and will receive a DNF (Did Not Finish).
5K Run/Walk - 8:45 am
1 Mile Run/Walk - 10:15am h
Fun-K - 10:45am This event is for children under age 12 and for adults with special needs and their caregivers. Limited to 300 participants.
15K Hero Run - Participants run both the 10K and 5K events separately. The times from the two races will be combined to give you your 15K results.